The mission changes - so does BOXER
BOXER Driver Training Vehicle (DTV) provides realistic training for drivers of all BOXER variants and it permits the highest level of quality and safety of driver training. This variant consists of a standard Drive Module and the Driver Training Mission Module. Weight and ride behaviour completely match the characteristics of the Armoured Personnel Carrier (APC).
Occupant protection is a feature in BOXER DTV which protects the crew sitting in the driver training cabin. In the event of a roll-over accident, the seats in the driver training cabin are quickly retracted into the Mission Module in a controlled manner.
BOXER DTV can carry a crew of 4 besides the driver. The instructor and one crew member (e.g. the driving test examiner) are seated in an elevated position in the glass enclosed driver’s training cabin to ensure the best possible view. Two other crew members are accommodated in the rear of the Mission Module.
The instructor can monitor the trainee driver via a duplicated control and display unit and override gear selection, brake or accelerator pedal of the driver’s station. Steering override is available as well as an option.
The electrical cabin equipment, such as windscreen wiper / washer, windscreen heating, seat heating etc. are operated via a digital control unit. The large glazed cabin, the mirror and camera systems ensure the instructor a sufficient field of view including the immediate surroundings of the vehicle.
An additional air conditioner provides cooling for the cabin crew at high ambient temperatures.