1990 |
- Major European armed forces need vehicles to face future threats.
1994 |
- Germany and France establish joint procurement and development study.
1995 |
- German, British and French governments work in close cooperation.
1996 |
- Competition between two Franco-German-British consortia.
- Competing consortium TEAM International GTK/MRAV/VBCI.
- Establishment of ARGE GTK/MRAV/VBCI.
- Concept studies of a 6x6 and a 8x8 vehicle.
1997 |
- April - ARGE submitts offer to German Procurement Agency (BWB).
- The Netherlands get the status of an observer of the Programme.
1998 |
- April - ARGE GTK wins the competition.
1999 |
- September - France leaves the Programme.
- Foundation of ARTEC.
- November - bilateral contract signature.
2000 |
- The European agency OCCAR (Organisation Conjointe de Cooperátion en matierè d'ARmament) gets customer for ARTEC.
2001 |
- February - The Netherlands become a full partner in the Programme.
- Production start of 1st BOXER Prototype.
2002 |
- December - Rollout of the first German BOXER Prototype.
2003 |
- BOXER Prototype - ready for trials and tests.
- July - UK MOD announces withdrawal from the Programme.
2004 |
- November - Germany and the Netherlands sign bilateral contract.
2006 |
- Modified Armoured Personnel Carrier GE and Ambulance NL are presented at Eurosartory, Paris.
- December - Series Contract Signature.
2007 |
- Production start for 1st Ambulance GE Prototype.
2008 |
- Reliability Growth Trails after some 90,000 km successful finished.
- Production starts for 1st Series Vehicle.
2009 |
- September - Rollout of the first BOXER Series Vehicle.
2010 |
- BOXER vehicles are trialled in Australia and the United Arab Emirates.
- December - First German BOXER Command Post delivered.
2011 |
- May - BOXER in operational use by German Army.
- June - Last German Driver Training Vehicle delivered.
- August - Deployment of first BOXERs into theatre.
- August - All four German BOXER versions in series delivery.
2012 |
- Deployment of BOXER Command Post Vehicle and Ambulance into theatre.
- December - Last German Commanc Post Vehicle delivered.
2013 |
- August - Delivery of first BOXER Driver Training Vehicle to Netherlands Army.
2014 |
- April - Delivery of first BOXER Ambulance to Netherlands Army.
2015 |
- June - 300th BOXER vehicle delivered.
- July - Delivery of first BOXER Command Post to Netherlands Army.
- December - Contract signature for 2nd batch of 131 BOXER APC vehicles for German Army.
2016 |
- March - First BOXER Cargo delivered to Netherlands Army.
- May - Delivery of last BOXER Ambulance (272nd vehicle) to German Army.
- August - Trilateral contract signature. Lithuania joins the BOXER-Programme.
- August - Contract signature for 88 BOXER IFV for Lithuanian Army.
2018 |
- February - The Government of the Republic of Slovenia announces that they intend to accession the BOXER-Programme.
- March - British Ministry of Defence announces that they will re-join BOXER-Programm and explore options to equip the Army with BOXER.
- March - BOXER is selected after competition for the Australian Army under Project Land 400 Phase 2.
2019 |
- November - The British Ministry of Defence announced to select BOXER for their Mechanised Infantry Vehicle programme.